Toolkit : Hyko building blocks
Once you create a new blueprint, you’ll see a plus button in the top left corner. Clicking it reveals a floating panel with various nodes - the building blocks in Hyko. Drag these nodes to the blueprint area to configure and connect them, creating your automation.
Each node represents a step in your automation process. Nodes can be AI models, writers (like Google Docs writer), readers (such as YouTube transcript reader), or utility functions (e.g., email sender or video-to-audio converter).
After building your automation, click “Run” to start it. A popup will appear above each node, showing its current state (executing, finished, error, or warning). A side sheet on the left displays results and elapsed time for running nodes.
You can review previous runs by checking your blueprint’s history.
Keep track of your automation runs
Anatomy of a node
A node has inputs (designated by fields with ports on the left), outputs (with ports on the right), and parameters for further configuration.
Connect nodes by grabbing ports and linking them, passing output from one node to another’s input. Note that connections are only possible from outputs to inputs, and types must be compatible.
Make sense of how types work
When you select a node, a floating panel appears above it. Here, you can delete, duplicate, or further configure the node by accessing advanced parameters. Additional features like caching and loop-mode are also available.